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    Dr. Leila Bloch

    São Paulo, Brazil

    Dr. Leila Bloch

    Doctorate (PhD) in Health Sciences in the area of hair from the Institute of Medical Assistance to State Public Servants, IAMSPE, Brazil.*Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP).*Medical Residency in Dermatology at Hospital das Clínicas (HC-FMUSP – 2003-2006).*Specialist in Dermatology by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology and by the MEC.*Medical director and founder of Clínica Bloch since 2010.*Coordinator of the Hair Study Group of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology – São Paulo Region 2015/16.*Member of the International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS).*Member of the North American Hair Research Society (NAHRS).*Full Member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD).*Member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatological Surgery (SBCD).*Member of the Brazilian Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABCRC).*Member of the Clinical Staff of the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein.*Medical Director of ProSkin Cosmetic Research.*He completed the following international internships: Hospital Clinic – Barcelona- Spain (2004), University Hospital of Zurich- Switzerland (2005), Johns Hopkins Hospital – Baltimore – USA (2007) and Jackson Memorial Hospital – Miami University (2011).*He is a professional active in scientific research, with work published in national and international journals, in addition to teaching classes and participating in conferences and courses around the world.*Speaker at national and international conferences on hair transplantation. Has published internationally in the area of hair.