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    Jorge Jimmy Cortez

    Tijuana, MX

    Jorge Jimmy Cortez


    Dr. Jorge Jimmy Cortez is a leading surgeon specializing in Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The most popular annual conference to attend is the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS). This worldwide medical association is the leading jurisdiction in hair treatments and hair loss restoration. It also achieves excellence in patient outcomes and promotes the highest standards of medical practice. He is also endorsed by the following official certifications: *CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF *HAIR RESTORATION SURGERY (ISHRS) *XOCHICALCO MEDICAL SURGEON *ISHRS 2017 *ISHRS 2018 *ISHRS 2020 *ISHRS 2021 *ISHRS 2022

    Reviews (7)



    FUE Hair Transplant

    1 day

    Let me tell you that I started loosing my hair at 25 but i came across Dr Jimmy Cortez in Tijuana and I was fascinated with how quick they replied , how easy the whole process was and how close to the border they are ! Not to mention the amazing modern facility that they have . I have to say there has no better investment then when you invest in yourself. This picture is just 1 day after surgery and I can already see my hairline back !! 😭👏 I can see that the crown area and middle part is covered already when before I would just have to play with having long hair to hide my spots ! If you even have a minimal doubt reach out them ! I live in San Diego and even compared with places here and it was night and day. Here in San Diego I was just a number it felt like such a sales pitch but down there they actually cared and took care of me .



    FUE Hair Transplant

    2400 grafts

    Finally decided to take the plunge and got it done. Couldn’t be happier with the whole experience. Airport- diver picks you up curbside at the San Diego airport. Total time from the airport to the hotel was about 30 minutes due to traffic. Hotel- this place is nice, the room is comfortable and the food is great. On procedure day I didn’t want to scare anyone at the restaurant so I opted for room service. Safety- I was super worried about being in TJ but honestly i felt super safe. Capilar - is literally around the corner from the hotel, maybe a 3 minute walk. Their star and Dr. Cortez are super awesome, make you feel right at home. Procedure- Honestly I was super nervous about it but is literally super chill. Like everyone else says the worst part is the numbing but even that wasn’t bad. Post op- I’m literally 2 hours post as I write this, the only thing I feel is like a sunburn on the recipient area, but it feels much better when you use the spray they give you which you have to use every 30 minutes while you’re awake. If you are on the fence about getting it done, don’t hesitate just do it. if you’re considering Dr. Jimmy Cortez at Capilar, I would highly suggest using him, he and his staff are amazing.



    FUE Hair Transplant

    1950 grafts

    Hello everyone, I wanted to start a thread to show my progress and share my experience. I wasn't asked to do this and as time goes on share everything as objectively as possible. Background - 40 yr old, happily married, never had a big issue with my hairline recession, but was impressed by a HT I saw in person. I thought, "Why not take advantage of modern medicine?" A few hours later I had booked my procedure haha. Selecting a clinic - I'm in California and I'm thrifty, so I started with Tijuana clinics. I liked the results I saw From HMR and Capilar, and that they had done so many procedures (I know Capilar broke off from HMR). I first took a look at Capilar and saw they used PRP, DHI and their punch size seemed smaller than other pictures I had seen so I booked right away. I'm sure HMR and other nearby clinics probably offer the same thing, but I felt comfortable with my my pick. Tijuana - for anyone who is nervous about Tijuana, don't worry. The area where all the medical tourism takes place is super nice, amazing food, Americans everywhere. Complimentary hotel was nice and a few blocks away from the clinic. Procedure - I drew my hairline and doctor Cortez kindly told my we could do better and re-drew the line to see what I thought. I totally agreed his was a better shape and we went for it. I asked for the smallest punch he had because my hair characteristics are favorable for a small punch size. He used a .95 (smallest he does) which I was a little disappointed by because I read some clinics go smaller. He used an implanter pen and said he got 55 grafts per cm2 in the areas with no existing hair which I was pleased with. After thoughts - When I got a chance to really inspect the work I liked that he tapered the grafts into my native hair and that the grafts weren't in symmetrical rows. Also, the extraction sites didn't seem as big as I thought they would be, so I was probably overthinking that. So I'm feeling good about my choice, the hairline, and I hope the final result will come in the way I think it will. Happy to answer any questions. Thanks



    FUE Hair Transplant

    2000 grafts

    Hi Everyone, just got home from my procedure and wanted to share the immediate photos and my thoughts on the overall process/result/cost. I'll continue to post progress updates as I heal, likely in monthly increments. To start, Jimmy was great about scheduling my procedure, plenty of date ranges to choose from, and was very prompt about answering all my questions. I really like that Dr Jimmy only does 1 procedure a day and the whole process is handled by him directly, from the email consult through to the entire procedure. Mexico also felt like a nice balance between cost/distance for me coming from New Jersey while still working with a surgeon exclusively vs. a technician. You fly to and from San Diego and the Capilar Center arranges a driver to pick you and bring you to the hotel which is about 30 minutes from San Diego Airport (The round trip drive and the hotel are complimentary / included in the price Cortez quotes you.) This was candidly the only not-so-great part of the experience... I got a text from the driver about a week out asking me to confirm my flight details, and I did. I arrived around midnight the night before my procedure due to a 30 minute flight delay due to weather. I was surprised to not have a text from the driver when I regained service. I assumed the driver might be waiting for me with a sign the way private car services often do, nope. I text the driver 2x over 20 minutes but i could see in imessage the phone was set to "do not disturb". When i tried calling i got "this number can not be completed as dialed". This was quite alarming for me because I came alone, it was now after midnight so I knew i couldn't call the clinic directly.. After sitting and weighing my options for roughly 25 minutes while trying not to panic, the driver replied and let me know he was 20 minutes away. The driver was very friendly and arrived in a clean nice car, but offered no apology or explanation. The next morning at 7am i walked around the corner (A very short 2 block walk, very safe and tijuana is lovely) to the clinic and met with Dr. Cortez. He was super kind, discussed with me how I would like to design my hairline, and we we we're all done by about 230pm. I slept through most of the procedure, but they provided a quick lunch break after the extraction portion of the process. They finished by drawing my blood and including a PRP treatment. I received ~1950 grafts and paid $4,370. Dr. Cortez let me know he actually did closer to 2000 grafts, but was only charging me what he quoted me which was nice. The Cortez brothers are both not known for incorporating many micro-irregularities in their hairline designs, but this wasn't a huge priority for me since I usually wear my hair down and foward. Density was my biggest objective and I think he did great in that regard. The Cortez brothers (Capilar and HMR) also have gotten some critical reviews of their donor management. I feel like mine looks pretty good but curious what you guys think. I arranged to be picked up at 440am the next morning to catch my 7:15am return flight. The driver was once again nearly 30 minutes late. This time i was not so panicked since I was at a hotel and had some buffer time before the flight. If you have global entry, make sure you bring the card. With it, you'll zoom across the border in <10 minutes and be back at the airport in <40 minutes from leaving the hotel. Overall, I've very happy with my hairline design, the process/price and would definitely recommend Jimmy and Capilar. I wish the transportation situation was a little more buttoned-up, but anyone reading this can be at peace, you'll get picked up transported safely....eventually. Excited to see how I heal. Dr Cortez was very reassuring about the process overall and said he achieved great density and feels confident I'll have a great result. Here's to hoping so! Feel free to ask me any questions about anything!